Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Six months old 5.5

Today Maci is 6 months old. She has always been a happy baby but the older she gets, the more happiness she exudes. She is working on sitting up by herself. She rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time on April 9. She still doesn't like tummy time. I think it is because she can't see what is going on around her. She also forgets that she can roll back. She has started to shake her head back and forth like she is saying "no". So adorable! She had her checkup at the doctor and weighs 14 lbs (which is in the 10%) and is 26.5" long (which is in the 70%). So she is doing just fine. She has a fast metabolism and eats a lot. She has been eating carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, applesauce, bananas, cereal and oatmeal. She loves her bananas, but her taste buds change from day to day. She doesn't like peas or peaches, oh, and LOVES prunes! Except, I don't want to feed her too much of them because she doesn't need anymore help having dirty diapers. She still sleeps through the night with a couple of wake-ups because the binky isn't in the mouth. She puts anything and everything in her mouth. That is how she explores. She LOVES to look at herself in the mirror. The other day I put her in the bumbo in front of the mirror and just left her to herself and she just laughed and laughed at herself. It was quite comical. Gotta love every minute of it all!

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