So tonight, (1.7.16) I was reading Maci a bedtime story. It is the Cat in the Hat telling all about insects. It is personally one of my favorites and Maci loves it too. She can tell you where the abdomen is on an insect, that a cocoon is called a crysalis, and that it is only the girl mosquito that bites. So tonight when we were done, she asks: "How do the butterflies make butter?" Too cute!
A couple days ago, (1.4.16) I was sitting at the kitchen table and Aleck brought me the peanut butter tub (he likes to eat out of it with a spoon, I know, I am a bad parent ;) but it is just too cute). He runs off and then Maci says to me; "Mom, does this say JIF?" I was in awe, amazed, excited, she read it all on her own!!! I made it a big deal, gave her hugs and high fives, such a fun moment. Since September, we try to work 2 days a week on writing letters and doing the super simple workbooks. The spelling and Math workbooks are a little harder for her but the Little Thinkers and Writing Tools she loves. I would have loved for her to go to preschool, but I love that we get to learn and create together.
4.3.16 So this weekend was General Conference. David and I both grew up only watching the Sunday morning session. Since his mission and both of us at college, we really look forward to listening to all sessions of conference. This year, I found some pictures and packets on Pinterest to keep the kids busy while we listen. They didn't keeps Alecks' interests that much but Maci got into them. She had a page where she could color the tie of each apostle that spoke. There were coloring pages too, but my favorite, and hers too, was a tally sheet. She was supposed to put a tally in the box when each subject was talked about. She phonetically spelled each item in the box, which is totally impressive. She got excited at the beginning. Then, a couple of talks later, Elder Stephenson talked about the temple and faith many times and she loved marking it each time. Aleck was putting together a puzzle of Jesus and got excited when he was finished. He kept calling to David until he had his attention. Maci immidiately shooshed him and told him she couldn't hear the speaker. It made me laugh!
4.3.16 Maci sometimes gets upset that she has a little brother and gest bothered by him often. So David scoops her up and explains that her little brother loves her to pieces. He reminded her that he says what she says, does what she does, and acts the way she acts. He always has to have the same amounts of bacon that Maci has and then has to dunk them in his milk because his older sister does. Yesterday, he ate a whole orange. Maci just happened to be outside and not around at that time. Today, I peeled him one and he got excited until Maci came around and said "yuck." He then refused to eat it! Friday was the craft show, Spring Fling, and Maci and I go to it every year, just the two of us. She was excited all day and couldn't wait to go. As we were getting out of the car, she says that the best part about it, was that Aleck wasn't with us! So, maybe some day I will catch her saying she is grateful for a brother, just not at this time in her life.