Mr. William Harbeck and Miss Mary Glynn - aka Brian and Jessica
Captain E J Smith and Miss Lulu Drew - aka David and Heather (Maci snuck into the photo)
Mr. James Tozer and Ms. Edith Corse Evans - aka John and Krystal
Mr. Thomas King and Miss Jessie Goodwin - aka Eric and Paula
Major Aurthur Peuchen and Mrs. Margaret "Molly" Brown - aka Eric and Aimee
Mr. Philip Stokes and Mrs. Irene Corbett - aka Jim and Terry
Mr. Robert Hichens and Mrs. Maud Slocombe - aka Ryan and Krystin
As everyone came in, they were handed a boarding pass:
Then after "Ooooing and Ahhhing" after each others' outfits, we sat down for dinner.
Second class plate
Each plate had the Titanic "stamp" on the bottom
First class plate that was never used.
First class plate
David got excited before our big night and ordered these replica plates for our big night. They were so perfect!
We had a 7 course meal, the same as was the last meal for the 1st class passengers on the Titanic (except their meal was a 10 course meal). Each couple was assigned to prepare one course:
Jim and Terry made Cream of Barley soup.
Eric and Paula made Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce and Cucumbers (sorry about the pic, their presentation looked SO much better with the sauce on our plates)
David and I, well, 98% David, made Lamb with Mint Sauce, Roast Duck with an Apple Sauce, Sirloin of Beef with Chateau Potatoes, Peas, Creamed Carrots, and Boiled Rice.
John and Krystal made Punch Romain (again, sorry about the pic, forgot to take a before picture. It was soft lemon color on the bottom and a frothy white for top and garnished with orange peel)
Brian and Jessica made both Pate de Foie Gras with celery and Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette.
For dessert, Ryan and Krystin made Chocolate and Vanilla Eclairs with French Ice Cream and Waldorf Salad. (It was supposed to be Waldorf Pudding but we have to tease Krystin about the whole "texture" thing ) :)
And last, Eric and Aimee brought Fresh Fruit and Gourmet Cheese from Salt Lake.
We all LOVED the excitement of trying the new foods. Some were a hit and others not so much. This was the most memorable night for all of us and quite a dream night for David. He has had an interest in the story of Titanic for 20+ years. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would help plan/attend a Titanic 100 years event in my home. Thanks to everyone who came and babysat. Thanks to Patti and Rhonda for lending us dishware and napkins. And a special thank you to Robin for buying "The Heart of the Ocean" for me! I was grateful for the opportunity to learn more about this tragic event and all the lives that were touched, good and bad. For me personally, I have learned that our earthly life is short and we need to live righteously and enjoy the things that matter most; family and good friends.
(sorry to have taken up a spot on Maci's blog, but I figured this was the best place for family and friends to read and see pictures)