The day after Thanksgiving, the town puts on a Christmas parade so we lined up to watch it in the pickup. Every time a float with Christmas lights came around we all oood' and ahhh'd. Now every time she sees Christmas lights, she ooo's in a high pitched voice. So cute!
Maci can point out where your nose is and also the eyes (she usually pokes your eyes) and we are working on the teeth. Her top molars kind of snuck up on us. She was having really runny diapers and I thought it was because she was loving her oatmeal. But a few days later, I thought she was chewing on a piece of paper and saw that they were teeth. She is still teething today and is quite fussy and clingy, which is a new experience for all of us.
She loves to play peek-a-boo and chasing and being chased. She growls really good and my personal favorite: she knows the sound a cow makes. When she sees a cow, she moos. Love it! Definitely my girl! She points at everything and makes a snake (sssss) noise.
I haven't found any cute Christmas clothes this year so we went outside to take some winter pictures. She loves to watch the snow fall. It was magical for her. Christmas will be in Kansas this year with 4 girl cousins to play with. Super excited for Christmas morning.