Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Videos of Maci

My cell phone takes videos (not the best video) but for only 30 seconds at a time. I thought I would share these with you. Maci is walking along furniture and pulling herself up everywhere. She babbles a lot and we have been working on waving hi and good bye. This morning while eating breakfast this is how our conversation went:
Me: Bye, Bye? (as I am trying to get her to wave)
Maci: Dada, ba ba
Me: That's right! Daddy went bye bye!
She seriously understood! Almost every morning, we watch David drive off on the 4-wheeler on his way to work, waving the whole time. I was actually reading on last night that babies understand so much more than we give them credit. So I am trying to pay a little more attention to her "talking".
So enjoy the videos, the one on the giraffe rocker is my favorite. Makes me laugh every time. (sorry they're sideways, not sure how to fix that) Maci gets to go on a train ride this weekend, so I will have pictures on here soon. Have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 months old

Maci is now 9 months old. I had a fun photo shoot with her and had lots of cute pics to share. Wow, time is flying by. She had a well child check with her pediatrician this month. She weighs 17 lbs which is in the 20% and is 29 inches long which puts her in the 80%. So she is going to be a tall girl. Yea!
She is developing very well. She is now mobile (hence, most of the pics are of her on her tummy). She first started out army crawling around the first of August. On the 11th, she figured out how to move her knees, so now she crawls. She prefers to army crawl because it is faster for her. For the past 3-4 weeks, she wants to walk on her own while holding your hands. This is something she can do all day long. Not kidding, she lets you know if she wants to walk if you're not paying attention. As of yesterday, she started pulling herself up to a standing position all by herself. David went in to say good morning to her before he left for work and found her standing in her crib looking at him when he came in. It won't be long until she is walking. She is also cutting 6 teeth. Four on top and two more on bottom. She is actually doing well, not cranky at all, or very seldom. She can say da da, ma ma, na na, ba ba, na na. She occasionally will wave but only after I have helped her do so. Then she waves on her own after the fact. She will sing along to "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and loves to read stories. She also LOVES to play on the laptop. She still eats a ton and sleeps well. These past few days her naps are 2-3 hours each. She must be growing. She likes to go outside. When she is in the grass, she loves to pull it. She is a good lawn mower. Although, I find her often trying to eat the grass... Her hair is getting long. The bottom layer is trying to catch up to the top. It is quite blond underneath and dirty blond on top. Her hair is getting a little more curl to it. I dilute some spray hair gel and sometimes put it on her hair to keep the curl in longer. She has got quite an infectious laugh. She is ticklish almost everywhere. On her legs, tummy, sides, back, neck. Sometimes she squeals and laughs at the same time. So adorable!
She has been such a camper this summer. We have gone twice to Minot (to help with the flood victims) with our tent trailer and once to Jordan for girls camp and in two weeks, we will be going to the Black Hills. Although, now that she is mobile, sleeping is much harder because she always wants to get up and move. There is no crib to keep her enclosed. It is a battle trying to get her to go to sleep.
Recently I have had to finally go through her clothes and put away the ones that doesn't fit anymore. Wow, she has a lot. Funny how she fit into most of her clothes for the same until now. Also, this last weekend while in Minot, I had time to write in my journal about how Maci came into our life. As I was reminiscing I was amazed to remember that day so well. The phone call with 7 hours notice to "nest". That nervous 70 mile drive. That first time she was put in my arms, that first bottle feeding/bonding time. That first poopy diaper. She has been such a sweet blessing to have. Father in Heaven gave us the gift of being parents to this sweet child. Never did I know the true meaning of love until she came along. How blessed we are to have her in our lives.